
The innovation of APPLE

By developing a guide for educators and an online early warning platform, consisting of key scientific material and tools, APPLE aims to equip educators, schools, educational organizations and authorities with the necessary tools to identify youth at risk of dropping out and halt early school leaving. Early identification of children and young people at risk of early school leaving will enable educators to take action and reduce the risk of dropping-out.

APPLE aims at:

Developing a guide for educators as well as an online platform, which will consist of key material (research papers, fact-based/experiences-based practices, tools etc.).

Enabling educators to apply innovative pedagogical methods and to easier identify
youth at risk of dropping-out.

Identifying ways of preventing early school leaving as well as the necessary reforms at political and institutional level.

Raising awareness among
the educational community regarding the importance of halting early school leaving.

How APPLE will succeed?

By designing and organizing capacity building seminars
tailored to the needs of the educators.
By organizing focus groups with youth at risk of early leaving
as well as interviews with educators.
By developing a guide for educators on the profiles of youth
at risk of early school leaving.
By developing an online Early Warning Platform, which will consist of key scientific and pedagogical material, 
as well as guides, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and reports.

By organizing workshops and bringing together policy makers, representatives from think-tanks and NGOs, activists and researchers, in order to exchange thoughts and ideas and potentially draft an action plan to halt early leaving from education.